Meet The American National Committee.
The American party is for everyone. This party doesn’t separate you by race, or socioeconomic status. We do not have a social agenda, nor do we cater to puritan prohibitions. We are very patriotic. Law abiding, and extremely hard working people. We want the government out of our private lives, and concerned with infrastructure, and development. We want them to keep us safe . These are the jobs of government. We believe that we are all Americans. Just Americans with nobody being better than the other. We are not a party of class warfare, but a party logic, and common decency. We are not communist, and we do not support terrorists unlike the Democrats. We also will not embezzle the nations money like they did either. There is no coming back from their disgrace. Not after they shouted for intefada in the streets against their fellow Americans. Their crimes can not be allowed to tarnish the image of labor. Americans work to hard for to long to have to associate with those elements. Now I’m proud to say they don’t have to. A much better option is hereby given to America. Become an American today for a better tomorrow.